

General Questions / Other Reasons for Contacting

For general business related questions please email

Featured Writer Request

If you would like to request to write a post for my blog please contact Include “Featured Writer Request” as the subject of the email. If you have a website or any social media, include any relevant links (not required) that you’d like me to see. Also let me know what you’d be most interested in writing about! (More information once contacted)

Featured Product Request Mention

If you would like your product or brand featured in one or more of my posts please contact Include “Featured Product Request Mention” if you would like your product/ brand/ service mentioned in one of my posts. Please include the type of promotion you’re looking for, the length of mention of your product, and describe the product or include links to information on the product. Please do not try to contact if your product has little or nothing to do with the topics mentioned on my blog.  (More information once contacted)

Product/Brand Review Request Post

If you would like me to dedicate an entire post to your product/service/brand please contact Include “Product Review Request Post” if you would like an entire post dedicated to an item that you’d like me to promote. Please include links to information about the item or describe the item being promoted. Please do not try to contact if your product has little or nothing to do with the topics mentioned on my blog. (More information once contacted)